
# equal contribution; * corresponding author


[10] Chen Zhang #, Fu-Jia Tian #, Hong-Wei Zuo #, Qi-Yuan Qiu, Jia-Hao Zhang, Wei Wei, Zhi-Jie Tan, Yan Zhang, Wen-Qiang Wu, Liang Dai*, Xing-Hua Zhang* (2025). Counterintuitive DNA destabilization by monovalent salt at high concentrations due to overcharging. Nature Communications16(1), 113. DOI


[9] Zuo, H.*, Song, F., Zhu, H., Qiu, Q., Zhu, H., & Wang, Z.* (2024). Multicoating construction of BiVO4@ SiO2 yellow pigment for enhanced thermal stability and acid resistance. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, 1-11. DOI

[8] QIyuan QIU, Yongjian Zhu, Zhongtao Wu, Liang Dai*. A simple and efficient algorithm to identify the chirality of polymer knots based on the Alexander polynomial Chinese Journal of Polymer Science,2024, 1-8. DOI

[7] Lu, Luwei#, Qiu, Qiyuan# and Lu, Yuyuan and An, Lijia and Dai, Liang*. Knotting in Flexible-Semiflexible Block Copolymers. Macromolecules 2024, 57, 11, 5330–5339 DOI




[6] Yanwei Wang*, Qiyuan Qiu*, Arailym Yedilbayeva, Diana Kairula, Liang Dai*. Phase Behavior of Ion-Containing Polymers in Polar Solvents: Predictions from a Liquid-State Theory with Local Short-Range Interactions. Polymers 14 (20), 4421 DOI

[5] Haoqi Zhu, Fujia Tian, Liang Sun, Yongjian Zhu, Qiyuan Qiu, Liang Dai*. Computational Design of Extraordinarily Stable Peptide Structures through Side-Chain-Locked Knots. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (33), 7741-7748 DOI

[4] Genlong Qiu, Qiyuan Qiu, Leying Qing, Jingmin Zhou, Xiaofei Xu*, Shuangliang Zhao*. Effects of Polyelectrolyte Surface Coating on the Energy Storage Performance in Supercapacitors. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126, 19, 8218–8226 DOI

[3] Yongjian Zhu, Haoqi Zhu, Fujia Tian, Qiyuan Qiu, Liang Dai*. Quantifying the effects of slit confinement on polymer knots using the tube model. Physical Review E 105 (2), 024501 DOI


[2] Qiu, Qiyuan, Xiaofei Xu*, and Yanwei Wang*. Phase Behavior of Partially Charged Polyelectrolyte Solutions with Salt: A Theoretical Study. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 30.3 (2021): 2000098. DOI


[1] Xiaofei Xu, Qiyuan Qiu, Changjie Lu, Shuangliang Zhao*. Responsive Properties of Grafted Polyanion Chains: Effects of Dispersion Interaction and Salt. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 65 (12), 5708-5717 DOI

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